Printed map. "Avertissement de Mr. Rizzi-Zannoni, de la Societé Cosmographique de Nuremburg." 2 visual scales [75 mm = 4 Milles d'Alemagne]. On verso: a Robert Clifford bookplate. Acquired as part of the Lord Cholmondely Collection.
Printed map. Scale not given. Originally published in Atlas von Liefland oder von den beyden Gouvernementer und Herzogthümern Lief-und Ehstland und der Provinz Oesel von Ludwig August Graf Mellin, published by Mellin in 1798. This map was plate 7 in…
Printed map. "Levée Géométriquement et mise au Jour par le Sr. Deheulland." Visual scale [95 mm = 2000 toises]. Map shows fortifications, trees, buildings, roads, Meuse River, hills, and lakes around Maastricht (Netherlands). On verso: a Robert…
Printed map. 1 visual scale [69 mm = 400 toises]. Map shows fortifications, buildings, roads, fields, forest, and Meuse River around Namur (Belgium). On verso: a Robert Clifford bookplate. Acquired as part of the Lord Cholmondely Collection.
Printed map. 3 visual scales [107 mm = 3 Milles de Livonie or Lieflandische Meilen]. Originally published in Atlas von Liefland oder von den beyden Gouvernementer und Herzogthümern Lief-und Ehstland und der Provinz Oesel von Ludwig August Graf…
Printed map. "Levé Géometriquement, Alis au Jour par le Sieur Jaillot Géographe ordinaire du Roy". Visual scale [80 mm = 1200 toises]. Map shows fortifications, roads, rivers, streams, trees, fields, and buildings around the city of Tournay…
Printed map. Two visual scales [193 mm = 30 English Miles and 1 inch = 4 English Miles]. The imprint: "London. Published June 25th. 1807 by A. Arrowsmith 10 Soho Square" appears twice in the lower margin, suggesting that the map was originally…
Manuscript map. Cartographer unknown. Visual scale [74 mm = 100 toises]. Map shows fortifications, streets, buildings, rivers, bridges, and roads. Legend runs across the width of the sheet below the bottom edge of the map. On verso: a Robert Clifford…
Printed map. First state. "Drawn by a Captain in his Majesties Navy". Dedication signed, "Thos. Jefferys". Visual scale. Includes two insets: Part of the upper river of St. Laurence and A view of the action gained by the English Sepr. 13, 1759,…
Printed map. First state. "L. Thevenard fil. sculp." Three visual scales. Includes inset entitled: "Suplément pour les possessions françoises et angloises au sud de la Louisiane. Gravé par Chambon." Inverted in lower left margin, "Livre XIII." …