Browse Items (459 total)

Handwritten note from Thos. Wright, dated 7 May 1812, regarding a business transaction. Addressed to the Hon. "Robt. Clifford" in two places. Sheet carries a watermark, "J Jellyman 18_1" (date is partially obscured by wax seal-like substance). On…

Printed map. "Par le Comte de Ferraris". Three visual scales [270 mm = 12,000 Toises or 6 Lieues communes de France]. This is an index map on one sheet depicting the area of Europe covered by the combined sheets of the larger map. On verso: a Robert…

Ledger-like sheet with some headings, but little content. Handwritten along left edge, "Lost votes", "Ch Taylor" and "John Stancliffe" (surname uncertain). Author unknown. Numeric content is difficult to interpret, as are the recorded ticks…

Printed map. "Par le Comte de Ferraris". Three visual scales [270 mm = 12,000 Toises or 6 Lieues communes de France]. Mounted on a linen backing and dissected into 8 sections. Original sheet number XVI. This is an elaborately engraved dedication…

Manuscript map. Cartographer unknown. Sheet has watermark with date, "1809". Handwritten list on verso with place names and dates from "1746" which appears to correspond with the annotations in red ink from the map. This is a supplementary map…

Handwritten list with place names and dates from "1746" which appears to correspond with the annotations in red ink from the index map on recto. Author unknown. Sheet has watermark with date, "1809". On recto, [Index map of Northern Italy and…

Printed map. "Per G. C. Buna". 13 visual scales [126 mm = 4 Milliar. Germ. Communian]. Each map section as originally published had it's own titled. Only some of these are intact due to trimming and joining of the maps. There are dates at various…

Printed map. "Land Messern P. Dewarat, in Mannheim". Map shows fortifications, woods, rivers, roads, churches, and gallows in an area of eastern France and western Germany. On verso: a Robert Clifford bookplate. Acquired as part of the Lord…

Two handwritten chronological lists under headings, "Vallum Antonii" and "Vallum Severinum" respectively. Author unknown. Each list includes historical details with dates relating to these Roman walls or fortifications. Recto has handwritten lists…

Handwritten lists with dates, currency details and more, relating to Roman history. Author unknown. Some text written vertically. Mathematical calculations near lower edge. Verso has handwritten lists under headings, "Vallum Antonii" and "Vallum…
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