Printed map. First state. "Drawn by a Captain in his Majesties Navy". Dedication signed, "Thos. Jefferys". Visual scale. Includes two insets: Part of the upper river of St. Laurence and A view of the action gained by the English Sepr. 13, 1759,…
Manuscript map. Cartographer unknown. Visual scale [74 mm = 100 toises]. Map shows fortifications, streets, buildings, rivers, bridges, and roads. Legend runs across the width of the sheet below the bottom edge of the map. On verso: a Robert Clifford…
Printed map. Two visual scales [193 mm = 30 English Miles and 1 inch = 4 English Miles]. The imprint: "London. Published June 25th. 1807 by A. Arrowsmith 10 Soho Square" appears twice in the lower margin, suggesting that the map was originally…
Printed map. "Levé Géometriquement, Alis au Jour par le Sieur Jaillot Géographe ordinaire du Roy". Visual scale [80 mm = 1200 toises]. Map shows fortifications, roads, rivers, streams, trees, fields, and buildings around the city of Tournay…
Printed map. 3 visual scales [107 mm = 3 Milles de Livonie or Lieflandische Meilen]. Originally published in Atlas von Liefland oder von den beyden Gouvernementer und Herzogthümern Lief-und Ehstland und der Provinz Oesel von Ludwig August Graf…
Printed map. 1 visual scale [69 mm = 400 toises]. Map shows fortifications, buildings, roads, fields, forest, and Meuse River around Namur (Belgium). On verso: a Robert Clifford bookplate. Acquired as part of the Lord Cholmondely Collection.
Printed map. "Levée Géométriquement et mise au Jour par le Sr. Deheulland." Visual scale [95 mm = 2000 toises]. Map shows fortifications, trees, buildings, roads, Meuse River, hills, and lakes around Maastricht (Netherlands). On verso: a Robert…
Printed map. Scale not given. Originally published in Atlas von Liefland oder von den beyden Gouvernementer und Herzogthümern Lief-und Ehstland und der Provinz Oesel von Ludwig August Graf Mellin, published by Mellin in 1798. This map was plate 7 in…
Printed map. "Avertissement de Mr. Rizzi-Zannoni, de la Societé Cosmographique de Nuremburg." 2 visual scales [75 mm = 4 Milles d'Alemagne]. On verso: a Robert Clifford bookplate. Acquired as part of the Lord Cholmondely Collection.
Manuscript map. Cartographer unknown. One visual scale [85 mm = 600 toises]. Map shows a section of the Lauter River, from east of Wissembourg (France) to Lauterbourg and the Rhine River. A legend corresponding to lettered features on the map appears…