Browse Items (33 total)

  • Collection: The Napoleonic era maps of Robert Clifford

Printed map. "Por Don Tomas Lopez, Geógrafo de los Dominios da S.M.". 5 visual scales [9 cm = 20 leagues]. A smaller, coloured map of Spain, plus a clipping from Bowles National History of Spain have been pasted onto the larger map. The clipping is a…

Printed map. "H. Wilson Sculpt". 1 visual scale [92 mm = 2 English Miles]. Insets: [text below map] OPERATIONS OF THE BRITISH AND FRENCH ARMIES IN CALABRIA, FROM THE 1ST. TO THE 4TH. JULY 1806. Legend details “ORDER OF BATTLE and Detail of the…

Printed map. “Présentée au general Bonaparte, Premier consul de la République Françoise, Par le Général P. Dupont. Chef de l'Etat-Major-Général de cette Armée”. Four visual scales, 121 mm = 8 Huit Myriamètres. Insets: Ordre de bataille de l’armée de…
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