Browse Items (33 total)

  • Collection: The Napoleonic era maps of Robert Clifford

Printed map. “Présentée au general Bonaparte, Premier consul de la République Françoise, Par le Général P. Dupont. Chef de l'Etat-Major-Général de cette Armée”. Four visual scales, 121 mm = 8 Huit Myriamètres. Insets: Ordre de bataille de l’armée de…

Printed map. “Présentée au general Bonaparte, Premier consul de la République Françoise, Par le Général P. Dupont. Chef de l'Etat-Major-Général de cette Armée”. Four visual scales, 121 mm = 8 Huit Myriamètres. Insets: Ordre de bataille de l’armée de…

Printed map. Cartographer unknown. 1 visual scale [100 mm = 400 Versbz]. The central map is an index for the insets around the sheet. On verso: a Robert Clifford bookplate. Acquired as part of the Lord Cholmondeley Collection.

Printed map. "Por Don Tomas Lopez, Geógrafo de los Dominios da S.M.". 5 visual scales [9 cm = 20 leagues]. A smaller, coloured map of Spain, plus a clipping from Bowles National History of Spain have been pasted onto the larger map. The clipping is a…

Printed map. Source unknown. Possibly part of one of Sebastian de Pontault Beaulieu’s publications. Visual scale, "Eschelle de deux cons Thoifes". The title is on a banner. The city is viewed from a distance and shows buildings and fortifications…

Printed map. "Gravé par Jouvenel a Bruxelles". Shows the area south of the town of Waterloo (Belgium) where the Battle of Waterloo was fought June 18, 1815. This is a pictorial, topographic map which shows buildings, woods, roads, military units…

Manuscript map. Cartographer unknown. Visual scale [74 mm = 100 toises]. Extensive legend spanning the entire bottom margin of the map. A note at the end of the legend in the bottom-right corner states that the fortifications indicated in yellow were…

Manuscript map. Cartographer unknown. 1 visual scale [85 mm = 150 toises]. The map contains two legends, one for features inside the city and one for features outside. A watermark is present in the large, blank, bottom margin of the map that reads,…

Manuscript map with overlays open. Cartographer unknown. North is oriented to the left. Visual scale [124 mm=300 toises]. Overlays show lines of artillery fire, "renvoy pour les nuits" (with legend) and an outlying depot in the east. A date of…

Manuscript map. Cartographer unknown. 1 visual scale, [77 mm = 200 toises]. Map shows details of the fortifications of the town and the surrounding countryside. Although some features on the map are numbered, the space for a legend running down the…
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