Printed map. First state. "Drawn by a Captain in his Majesties Navy". Dedication signed, "Thos. Jefferys". Visual scale. Includes two insets: Part of the upper river of St. Laurence and A view of the action gained by the English Sepr. 13, 1759,…
Printed map. First state. "L. Thevenard fil. sculp." Three visual scales. Includes inset entitled: "Suplément pour les possessions françoises et angloises au sud de la Louisiane. Gravé par Chambon." Inverted in lower left margin, "Livre XIII." …
Printed map. "To the members of the United Services of the British Empire, whose daring achievements this plan is designed to commemorate & honor & to whom it is respectfully dedicated, by their obedient servant, Alfred Hawkins." In lower, right…
In 1833 Captain George Back of the Royal Navy, and surgeon-naturalist Richard King, sought a land route across the Arctic Barren Lands in an attempt to determine the fate of the missing 1829 John Ross expedition and to pursue the survey of the Arctic…
Manuscript map. Cartographer uncertain as signature is difficult to transcribe with certainty: "By Lieut: James [Holl, Hobb or Holls]". Sheet includes one map showing a section of the St. Lawrence from the Isle of Orleans east to Coudre Island, and…
"Those to the westward of Point Separation having been made under the direction of Captn. Franklin; and those to the eastward as far as Coppermine River and round Great Bear Lake, by the detachment under the direction of Doctor Richardson, Lieut.…
Printed map. In upper margin, pages numbered "LVIII." and "LIX." In lower margin, "C 1815 - 30". Likely from The Edinburgh geographical and historical atlas, comprehending a sketch of the history of geography... Edinburgh: J. Hamilton, successor…
Printed map. "Published 15 Oct. 1801". Shows Great Slave Lake and the Mackenzie River Region. Shows location of various bands of Indians. Accompanies: Voyages from Montreal, on the River St. Laurence, through the Continent of North America, to…
Printed map. "By John Cary, Engraver." "Published ... Decr. 1. 1806." Probably originally published in Cary's New Universal Atlas, 1808. Described in Catalogue of the National Map Collection, vol. 10, H2/1000-1806, p. 543: "This map shows the…
Printed map. "Published 15 Oct. 1801". Covers Columbia River Region. Shows location of various bands of Indians. Accompanies: Voyages from Montreal, on the River St. Laurence, through the Continent of North America, to the Frozen and Pacific…