McMaster Campus Maps Through Time

Founded in 1887, McMaster University today is full of beautiful bulidings and open spaces to make every student and visitor's experience an enlightening one.

McMaster's main campus, located in the Westdale neighbourhood of Hamilton, Ontario, is comprised of 300 acres of scenic property at the western end of Lake Ontario, between Toronto and Niagara Falls.
Our 30-acre central core is designated for pedestrians and bicyclists.

 Nearby attractions that can be seen on the McMaster Campus Maps Through Time include Cootes Paradise, the Bruce Trail, the Waterfront Trail, the Royal Botanical Gardens, and the Niagara Escarpment, a UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve.

Campus air photos have been derived from flightlines, photgraphy companies and instituitions from the early 1930s to the late 1980s.

More map collections can be found on the Digital Archive @ McMaster University Library